昏澄 | glassumii <光と影の展覧会>

昏澄 | glassumii < exhibition of light and shadow >

水墨画とガラスのコラボアート昏澄 |glassumiiを【光】と【影】の織り成す不思議な世界で楽しんでいただきます。


会期/2015年8月18日火曜日~8月25日火曜日 pm3:00~pm11:00



場所/綜合藝術喫茶・茶会記 http://gekkasha.modalbeats.com/?cid=42174

〒160-0015 新宿区大京町2-4 1F
お電話 03-3351-7904



Mimi & saya




we are going to invite you to our exhibition of glass sumi-e art of light and shadow which is the extraordinary world of glassumii.

please enjoy to see the original glass jewelies, lighting, and paintings with glass art.


Date/ 18th August, 2015-25th August,2015

Time/ pm3:00-pm11:00

Place/ Kissa Sakaiki   (Metro marunouchi-line yotsuya-sanchome st. 3mins to walk)


Thank you


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